Insanely speedy 6 mm x 15 mm motors Fastest CL-0615 around
These are perfect for your next power whoop upgrade!
We have searched and found the fastest motors for the Tiny Whoop that we could.
These are faster than the CL-0615-14 that are around.
These spin at 60000 RPM. They are considered to the be the fastest 6mmx15mm motor that is available today.
(2 x CW 2 x CCW) Included in the package.
These are perfect for the Power Whoop using the upgraded Power Whoop Conenctors.
Can diameter: 6mm
Can length: 15mm
Shaft length: 5mm
Shaft diameter: 0.8mm
Wire length: 70mm
Weight (1 motor): 1.8g
Rated lifespan: 5-6 hours
Connector: Micro JST 1.25mm
Red and blue wires=clockwise (CW)
Black and white wires=counter-clockwise (CCW)